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Claims for seniors

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Seniors will be hit the hardest (announced changes to ICBC). Take this with a grain of salt. Heck, a bucket of salt. I am directly, financially interested in the future of our injury claim system. Seniors occupy a significant portion of my

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Two crash victims suffer injuries with symptoms that are likely to last the rest of their lives.  One is 25 and the other is 75 years of age.  Are they treated differently when it comes to financial compensation? Statistically, “the

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,
Senior man at the wheel

One key goal that we strive for in our legal system is consistency.  If two different judges are faced with similar facts, we expect that they will come to similar conclusions. In the context of a personal injury claim, we

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Thank you, to a fellow named Ron, for giving me the idea for my column topic this week. Ron is a senior.  He called for my advice about qualifying for ICBC’s “seniors” rate classification, which comes with a 25% premium