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Future loss of capacity

  • Published by Hergott Law,

If I haven’t missed any work, nor lost any clients – will I be able to satisfy the court that my injuries will cause me future income loss?  What if I have an unrelated heart attack that DOES cause me to

  • Published by Hergott Law,

I can work now, but I’m worried about the future – what if my pain gets worse as I age?  Will I be compensated for that? In the 2016 case Deol v Sheikh (2016 BCSC 2404), the plaintiff was a

  • Published by Hergott Law,

I have been off work for a significant amount of time due to my crash injuries. I hope to be able to return to the workforce in the future but my injuries are such that any future employment  will likely

  • Published by Hergott Law,

I have had to have shoulder surgery as a result of my crash. I am back at work and earning more money than I was before my crash but I work in an industry that in historically unstable. What if