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Tag Archives: apology

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Consider apologizing if you are the cause of a life altering injury. Acknowledging fault in the form of an apology does not have any affect on your insurance coverage, nor is it taken into account when determining liability.

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

I used “drunk killer apologizes” as my internet search to find news reports of Marco Muzzo, the 29 year old drunk killer of three children and their grandfather, whose sentencing hearing in Newmarket, Ontario, made the news this past week. 

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

“A person in your position should become a little better informed before writing such an ignorant article that tries to tarnish a whole industry”. Those biting words came to me from a reader of my last column, Dale, who has