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Loss of income

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

What happens to their income loss during the layoff?  Will ICBC still have to pay 50% of their full time income over that period of time?

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

She managed to work around her symptoms in the four years leading up to the trial. Did that mean she was not entitled to compensation for possible future losses?

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Losses from an injury can extend many years into the future. It is always a challenge to gaze into the crystal ball and predict what those losses will be.

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

“You’ve made your bed” is a saying fitting of some injury victims who have made it next to impossible to achieve justice. According to one internet source, the saying first appeared in a late 1500s Middle French proverb “comme on

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Volunteers:  Thank you! To the multitude of volunteers who made the recent Apple Triathlon possible: Thank you! I was struck by your generosity. You were there at every twist and turn in the route, keeping us on track and cheering

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Unreported income is a reality “If you pay cash, I won’t have to charge you the tax”.  I bought a used walker for my mother a few weeks back.  All I had was plastic.  The price was $90.00, so I

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,
Shocking ICBC Claim Guideline

I’ve given the same ICBC claim advice over and over, consultation after consultation, for years.  I have joked about creating a series of videos so that I could just press “play”.  Perhaps that’s not such a bad idea! Injured victims

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

I walk a fine line when giving ICBC claim advice in this public forum.  On the one hand, there is important advice that absolutely must be shared to injured victims to avoid being taken advantage of by ICBC.  On the