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Tag Archives: Hit and Run

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Do you know your responsibilities if you strike and kill a deer or other animal large enough to re a road hazard to approaching vehicles? Before we get there, consider that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

“It wasn’t me!” A quick internet search will take you to the hilarious “farting scene” in Rocket Man. Two astronauts in space suits are connected by a hose.  One astronaut’s space suit balloons up with gas pressure after the sound of

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

“My mom was just in a pretty terrible crash and is headed to the hospital.  The other driver didn’t stop.  Not sure I’m going to make it in tomorrow”. That e-mail went to my iPhone just before 11:00 p.m., as

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

An elderly pedestrian was killed in a car crash; it was barely reported in the news. Paul makes a plea to the public to stop accepting car crashes as an inevitable and acceptable part of society. An invitation is sent