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FAQ: Hiring a Lawyer

Why should I hire a lawyer? (financial)

From a financial standpoint, hiring a lawyer is effectively free. Net of our fees, our clients never receive a settlement that is lower than they would have received from negotiating with ICBC on their own. Our legal fees are only paid when a case has settled, so there is no out-of-pocket legal expense. 

Lawyers also help ease the financial strain of attending all of the medical appointments required to recover from your injury. Many clients struggle to pay for the ongoing chiropractor, physiotherapist and massage therapy appointments upfront. This is why your law firm is ready to assist with setting up the financial support that you need to ensure your best chance of recovering from your injuries. 


Why should I hire a lawyer (non-financial)

Hiring a lawyer simply levels the playing field. When you negotiate unrepresented, you generally have no idea what your claim is worth and you are vulnerable to the negotiation tactics that ICBC adjusters routinely apply to their claims every day. Once you hire a lawyer, your ICBC claim is immediately taken more seriously and is passed on to a more senior ICBC adjuster. 

Not only are lawyers useful for enforcing your legal rights, they have access to the best medical specialists and experts. It is in your lawyer’s best interest to ensure your access to the best medical care available so that you can document that you are taking all necessary steps for your recovery. 

When you hire a personal injury lawyer, you are hiring a support team to assist you financially, medically and emotionally. 


How can fees of one third make sense?

Pursuing injury claims is expensive. Claims generally take years to settle and require upfront staffing resources and legal expenses. After paying our legal fees, our clients have never walked away with less compensation than they would have been able to achieve themselves. 


Should I talk to a lawyer? If so, when?

Yes, you should talk to a personal injury lawyer right away.  The sooner you speak to a lawyer, the higher your chance is of achieving fair financial compensation for your injuries. 


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