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Tag Archives: RCMP

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

“Swimming against the current” is an understatement. Two of the most powerful and influential publicly funded organizations (the CBC and RCMP) are working against me. In my last column, I shared my renewed passion for a pet road safety topic

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,
Payments System Hacking

“Can we sit down and talk?”. A deer caught in the headlights, the 44 year old in the video complies with the request.  The much younger woman he is meeting, Chantal, then introduces herself: “I’m Chantal, with Creep Catchers…” He

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Each of us has been, or very likely will be, touched personally by a crash:  a family member or close friend killed;  ourselves or someone close to us suffering life altering injuries; learning of tragedy suffered by someone we don’t

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Legal column remembering a tragic traffic accident as an example of why safer driver habits are needed – car crashes are not “accidents”, they are avoidable

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Legal column concerned with the reaction of ICBC and the police when a Smart car was purposely side swiped by a speeding vehicle due to road rage

  • Published by Paul Hergott, Personal Injury Lawyer,

Legal column explaining defending a judge’s decision that the media viewed as a “break” instead of a proper sentencing